Category Archive: Arts

Puppets Workshops

[wpcol_3quarter id=”” class=”” style=””] Long or short, we cater for them all!! Puppets and Puppetry Workshops for children, young people and adults, 12-15 hours long or only 2-3 hours long; different techniques and puppet styles.If you want to know more, please visit our Workshops page here, or contact us here.   [/wpcol_3quarter] [wpcol_1quarter_end id=”” class=”” …

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Stop Motion Animation Workshops

[wpcol_3quarter id=”” class=”” style=””] Long or short, we cater for them all!! Stop Motion Animation Workshops for children, young people and adults, 12-15 hours long or only 2-3 hours long. If you want to know more, please visit our Workshops page here, or contact us here.   [/wpcol_3quarter] [wpcol_1quarter_end id=”” class=”” style=””] [/wpcol_1quarter_end] Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2016All Rights …

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